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The Arena of Verona

"Va ', pensiero, sull'ali dorate. Va ', ti posa sui clivi, sui coll, ove olezzano tepide e molli l'aure dolci del suolo natal! "Do you know this line? It's from the opera Nabucco by Verdi. The prisoner choir sings the beautiful thoughts of home in Act III.

Verdi's operas are among the most popular. Nabucco and Aida are absolute classics, and even non-opera experts have at least heard something from them, however, whether a philistine or fan, a visit to an opera in the Arena of Verona is an absolute must.

It's such a romantic getaway! Discovering the city during the day, the many hidden corners and courtyards, the green parks and shady spots and not to mention the balcony where, according to legend, Julia stood to wave to her Romeo. After a snack in Piazza delle Erbe, it's off to the arena built in 30 AD. Once upon a time gladiator fights took place here. In the Renaissance, it was finally decided to use the Arena of Verona for music and theatre performances.

It was the right decision because the Arena of Verona can accommodate over 22,000 people, the acoustics are so good that the opera singers hardly need microphones and basically, the only technology required is the breathtaking light effects.

An opera in the arena is something fantastic: you sit on antique rows of seats, everything beautifully and spectacularly illuminated, the starry sky shines above and impressive arias and choirs below - pure goosebumps!

Updated: 19/04/2024

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